General presentation

Student Life Pole composition

The Student life pole at Lycée Claudel operates under the responsibility of a director, Mo Kasrawi, with the collaboration of:

  • a Primary Coordinator: Fairouz Hanou,
  • a Secondary Coordinator: Florence Piovanelli,
  • 6 student life assistants : Chantal Bizimana, Andrée Breidy, Bonna Fidei Baraka, Tiago Hainzelin, Adrien Nahayo, Salima With,
  • 5 supervisors: Audrey Cita, Victorine Mayap Feuko, Marina Bita Mungimur, Gaetan Pommainville, Camille Rahmani,
  • student supervisors,
  • and a health centre run by Angela Faustin.

Main missions of the Student Life Pole:

  • Promote the integration of students;
  • Establish a calm school climate to be more successful;
  • Monitor student attendance and punctuality;
  • To animate the students’ lives in the school: organization of elections, training of delegates, organization of events, etc.