Student life pole

Student Life Pole composition

The Student life pole at Lycée Claudel operates under the responsibility of a director, Mo Kasrawi, with the collaboration of:

  • a Primary Coordinator: Fairouz Hanou,
  • a Secondary Coordinator: Florence Piovanelli,
  • 6 student life assistants : Chantal Bizimana, Andrée Breidy, Bonna Fidei Baraka, Tiago Hainzelin, Adrien Nahayo, Salima With,
  • 5 supervisors: Audrey Cita, Victorine Mayap Feuko, Marina Bita Mungimur, Gaetan Pommainville,
  • student supervisors,
  • and a health centre run by Angela Faustin.

Main missions of the Student Life Pole:

  • Promote the integration of students;
  • Establish a calm school climate to be more successful;
  • Monitor student attendance and punctuality;
  • To animate the students’ lives in the school: organization of elections, training of delegates, organization of events, etc.

Main projects

Lycée Claudel encourages students to be dynamic and entrepreneurial by getting involved in different projects according to their personal interests to improve school life.

Peer Mediation Program

The peer mediation program allows students to develop sound conflict management methods. Students who wish to get involved receive mediation training that will allow them to accompany their peers as mediators in the event of disagreements or conflicts. It has been shown that some students are more open to mediation when it is offered by a person of the same age.


  • Give students tools so that conflicts are not dealt with by confrontation or even violence, but can rather be put into words
  • Encourage students to get involved in conflict resolution
  • Empower students in the sound management of their conflicts
  • Contribute to the improvement of the social climate

Mediator students

There are two mediator students in each class from CP to 3rd grade. Their role is to ensure the smooth running of a mediation meeting between parties in conflict. He invites his peers to communicate and finds a solution to the problems they face.

Mediation is never imposed. It takes place only if students in conflict request it or if they accept the proposal to meet a mediator.

What is CVCL ?

The Council for secondary school life (CVCL) is an advisory body composed of elected students (college and high school), staff members (teachers, supervisors, administrative staff), and chaired by the Head of School.

Above all, it is a place for debate, exchange and listening where student representatives are given the opportunity to speak in order to stimulate a new dynamic, new projects, and to encourage better consideration of issues affecting students’ living conditions within the school.

The CVCL must be consulted:

  • on questiobns relating to the general principles of the organization of studies, the organization of school time and the elaboration of the school project as well as the elaboration or modification of the internal regulations;
  • on the general procedures for organizing personal work and supporting students;
  • on health, hygiene and safety, the layout of spaces intended for students’ lives;
  • on the organisation of sporting, cultural and extracurricular activities.