Orientation service
The Lycée Claudel’s orientation service is offered to Lycée Claudel students to support them in their exploration and reflection on academic and vocational guidance.
To help students better understand the different university programs and their opportunities on the job market, but also to help them better know themselves, the Lycée organizes several orientation activities and individual interviews.
Guidance department
The Lycée Claudel’s guidance department offers individualized support to students from seconde to terminale.
Reasons for consultation
Help with personal career planning
Choice of specialties
Request for information on the Canadian and French university systems;
Request for information on scholarships;
Assistance with university applications;
Letters of recommendation.
Élodie Bouvier, Guidance Counsellor
E-mail: orientation2025@claudel.org
Office: 220A
Telephone: 613.733.8522 #625
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Request for bulletins and other documents for universities
To request newsletters and other university documents, please complete the following form: Request form for university documents
To request a report card
Students must apply for university admission before completing the application form. Please note that all report cards or other documents required by the universities will be sent directly by the student or by a family member to the desired institutions within the prescribed deadlines.
With the exception of early admission applications, it is recommended that students complete their university applications online as of November 1, so that their report card package is received before the university application deadlines.
Applications are to be sent to the universities in three steps:
- November: the report cards of previous years (i.e. Second and/or First year classes)
- February: first semester of senior year
- End of June: second semester of Terminale and the results of the baccalaureate
Request for official university report cards
Students who need to send their applications to universities by post can request their report cards in paper format by completing the form below. Please allow a delay of 5 working days to obtain the documents at the reception desk. We thank you for anticipating your requests according to the deadlines communicated to you by the universities.
List of Canadian universities that require official copies of paper grades in sealed envelopes.
For more information:
Élodie Bouvier, guidance counsellor,
613.733.8522 #625
Orientation service
The Lycée Claudel’s orientation service is offered to Lycée Claudel students to support them in their exploration and reflection on academic and vocational guidance.
To help students better understand the different university programs and their opportunities on the job market, but also to help them better know themselves, the Lycée organizes several orientation activities and individual interviews.
For more information on our guidance services :
Élodie Bouvier, Guidance counsellor
613.733.8522 #625
To book an appointment click here
For parents of 2nd grade students
Explore your options
In general path, in addition to the lessons common to all students, you will follow speciality lessons. In second grade, you will choose three speciality courses. In première year, you will keep only two for the Terminale year. Try out combinations of speciality courses that will open up horizons to a rich and varied universe of training and professions by using the selection aid tool.
Information meeting for Secondary School students: Towards Baccalaureate (In french only)
Part 1 : Présentation générale de la réforme
Part 2 : Présentation des spécialités
Part 3 : Orientation et modalités de choix des spécialités
Information session for 2nd grade parents : Questions-answers (In french only)
For parents and students in Première and Terminale
Preparation for higher education (in french only)
- Choose France after baccalauréat: Étudier en France après le baccalauréat
- Plateforme Parcours’sup
- FunMooc
- Études universitaires au Canada
Preparing for entry into higher education
The website of the National Information Office for Education and Professions
ONISEP provides information on French educational institutions, national and regional training opportunities and professions. Free downloadable information guides are available on the official website (in french only) as well as information capsules on professions and training.