Educational projects
The ADN-AEFE school exchange system
Two students, two high schools, two countries, one experience… ADN-AEFE allows students in second grade to carry out an exchange during the school year in another establishment participating in the ADN-AEFE program.
By immersing themselves for several weeks in a new family, school, cultural and linguistic environment, students enrich their educational journey while benefiting from continuity in learning.
Why this name ADN-AEFE?
ADN-AEFE is so named because the spirit of openness and the taste for exchange are part of the trademark of the network of French high schools around the world. The acronym also refers to the figure of the explorer Alexandra David-Néel.
Who is this device for?
To volunteer students enrolled in second grade in a school participating in the program, i.e. more than a hundred establishments in the AEFE network around the world and around ten high schools in France.
Why in second grade?
Because the students can then have sufficient maturity to adapt to a new environment and be actors in this project of cultural and linguistic opening. In addition, the second is not an exam class (unlike the first and final classes), the implementation of the exchange is made easier.
Looking back on an unforgettable experience
In spring 2023, 9 second grade students participated in the AEFE school exchange program between high schools.
Some of them agreed to testify and take us deep into their memories. Guadalajara, Tenerife, Paris, Barcelona, Athens, Madrid, Dakar. Put on your head phones, close your eyes and let yourself be lulled by these exotic stories!
What does it consist of?
This is a school-based program: students have the opportunity to follow their education for a few weeks in another establishment, located in a different country. Students work in pairs and are welcomed by families.
Two formulas are possible:
Solo, the students in the pair cross paths. As a duo, they are together in the family and high school of one then the other.
Who are the players in ADN-AEFE?
- The students volunteer for the exchange.
- The ADN referents who, in each of the establishments, carry out a support mission at all stages, from student applications and selections to their return to their establishment.
- School heads and teaching teams.
- The families who finance and organize their child’s trip and welcome their partner into their home. Accommodation in an ADN host family is an integral part of the intercultural experience and facilitates the student’s integration.
- The project coordinating team, administrator of the AGORA AEFE platform, support for the ADN system.
Pour en apprendre plus sur notre pédagogie
The transversality of the teachings
The Lycée Claudel offers its students a different approach to teaching. By setting up collaborative projects, the teachers encourage students to use what they have learnt in other disciplines: what is studied in one subject is applied in another.
The aim is to open up disciplines and establish links between them so as to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies that are not limited to a single school subject. Through these connections, subjects interact: each student uses knowledge from various disciplines simultaneously.
Les Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires (EPI)
Mobilisant un minimum de deux disciplines, les E.P.I s’adressent à tous les élèves du Cycle 4 (de la 5ème à la 3ème). Ils permettent de construire et d’approfondir des connaissances, des compétences et de travailler autrement les contenus des programmes.
Ces enseignements sont “pratiques“, car ils s’appuient sur une démarche de projet et conduisent à une réalisation concrète en petits groupes (film, pièce de théâtre, exposition,etc.). Ils sont également “interdisciplinaires“, car ils sont pris en charge par des enseignants de plusieurs matières qui travaillent en équipe autour d’une même thématique, mais avec des approches variées selon les disciplines.
Les rencontres et échanges
Dans le cadre de cette transversalité des enseignements et des projets menés, nos élèves bénéficient d’apports culturels d’une très grande richesse. À titre d’exemple, au cours de ces deux dernières années, nos élèves ont été amenés à rencontrer très régulièrement des personnalités d’influence dans leur domaine spécifique.
- Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Paléontologue, spécialiste mondial des animaux génats disparus ;
- Philippe Munch, Géologue, directeur adjoint du laboratoire de recherche CNRS Géosciences de l’universuité de Montpellier, spécialiste de la datation des roches ;
- Christophe Lavelle, biophysicien spécialiste de l’ADN ;
- Richard Taillet, Enseignant chercheur Physique
- Viviane Lalande, Docteure en génie biomécanique, animatrice d’une chaîne Youtube de vulgarisation scientifique ;
- Dr David Corrigan, Chercheur en évolution tectonique et métallogénie du Bouclier Canadien – Commission géologique du Canada.
- Jesus Castro-Ortega, réalisateur ;
- Guillaume Bordier, danseur et chorégraphe ;
- Claire Jenny, danseuse et chorégraphe ;
- Anne-Marie Ouellet, auteure et metteure en scène.
- Amin Maalouf, écrivain lauréat du Prix Goncourt et membre de l’Académie française ;
- Jérôme Ferrari, écrivain lauréat du Prix Goncourt ;
- Maryam Madjidi, écrivaine lauréate du Prix Goncourt du 1er roman ;
- Pierre Bordage, écrivain ;
- Adèle Pedrola, écrivaine ;
- Jean Baptiste Pattier, écrivain et journaliste à France télévisions.
- Olivier Rochon, ancien élève du lycée Claudel et membre de la délégation canadienne aux Jeux Olympiques 2018 (Saut / ski acrobatique)
Pour en apprendre plus sur notre pédagogie
The scientific pole at lycée Claudel
- 4 laboratories fully equipped with professional equipment
- 1 digital science and technology room
Above all, it’s a team of 17 dynamic, motivated teachers who are continually trained in the latest techniques and are entirely dedicated to the success of each of their students.
The teaching of mathematics is based on the development of six skills:
- Seek, because solving a problem is not immediate and requires exploring different paths;
- Represent, because the use of different representations of mathematical objects makes it possible to better conceptualize the concepts studied;
- Modeling, because studying certain models makes it possible to better understand real-life situations;
- Calculate, because mastering calculation allows greater autonomy in the face of ubiquitous numerical situations;
- Reasoning, because reasoning allows one to make informed and anticipated choices when faced with complex situations;
- Communicate, because communicating is essential to explain a reasoning, write a demonstration or argue.
The teachers in the team are committed to teaching their discipline in an innovative, lively and attractive way, so that they no longer have to endure maths, but rather live it!
The use of digital media (use of exercisers and dynamic geometry software,…), work methods that are evolving and not static (individual, pair or group work), everything is done to generate the interest and commitment of the students.
Math contests
Math in Jeans
Algorithm and programming
Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
The teachers of the discipline welcome the students in an adapted environment equipped with laboratory material (practical work material to carry out experiments and manipulations, computers on each table in all the rooms, use of various software and digital tools). This caring team makes every effort to meet the needs and interests of its students.
Diversified courses, based on the scientific approach of investigation to stimulate and involve students in their learning: observation and manipulation, experiments, use of digital tools, work by skills, alone, in pairs or in groups, meetings and exchanges with speakers, educational outings, interdisciplinary projects, links with the university…
An innovative approach to Life and Earth Sciences (SVT), for the success of each of our students.
The Geoscience Olympics
The Biology Olympics
Physics and chemistry
The Physics and Chemistry teachers place the success of their students at the center of their preoccupations.
Project participation, experimental practice, a concrete and contextualized approach, environmental education and sustainable development, …this dynamic team constantly stimulates the interest and curiosity of their students by creating optimal learning conditions.
Chemistry olympics
Visit the facility
Book a tourPhysical Education and Sports
Physical education and sports is a teaching discipline that is open to all students, from kindergarten to high school. The practice of a sport allows for the development of each individual by offering spaces for socialization and solidarity, which encourage respect for rules, for oneself and for others.
In addition to the health benefits, which are no longer in question, the practice of sports at school has a double purpose, educational and social:
- school sports promote the learning of responsibility and citizenship;
- it teaches self-respect, respect for the rules, for the opponent and for the referee;
- it promotes the notion of teamwork;
- it contributes to avoid any form of violence;
- it improves health habits, thus contributing to the prevention of addictive behaviors and health education;
- it contributes to integration by creating social links.
- Solidarity and loyalty: All players must show solidarity with each other and with their team in order to win. To be a “good player”, not to cheat, not to fake. Reject all forms of doping and corruption.
- Respect for:
- the rules ;
- the referees and the arbitration ;
- of the opponent.
- Self-control:
- do not respond to provocations;
- Calm down those who would let themselves be carried away;
- control one’s ego.
- Surpassing oneself: doing everything possible to overcome one’s own limits. The surpassing of oneself is a competition where the only opponent to face is oneself.
- Joy in sport: sport is a source of enthusiasm. It brings feelings, sensations and joys that nothing else can achieve.
Physical and sports education aims to train, through physical, sports and artistic activities, a fulfilled and cultured citizen, capable of making informed choices in order to engage regularly and autonomously in an active and supportive lifestyle.
Respectful of differences in potential and resources, Anna, Catherine, Stéphanie and Nicolas, the four teachers of the PE team, favour a positive evaluation by encouraging the student’s progress.
The different sports activities practiced at the school, within the framework of the teaching discipline:
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Badminton
- Volleyball
- Gymnastics
- Dance and creative arts
- Athletics: running, high jump, javelin throw
- Swimming
- Ice skating
- Table tennis
- Circus arts
- Ultimate frisbee
- Acrosport
- Handball
- Wrestling
- Indoor field hockey
- Boxing
The Sports Association also offers several activities to middle and high school students, including:
- Badminton
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Circus arts and gymnastic acrobatics
- Table tennis
“The true purpose of art is not to create beautiful objects: it is a method of reflection, a way of apprehending the universe and finding one’s place in it”. Paul Auster
Art is subjective, it questions and sometimes disturbs; it brings us and makes us feel emotions, leads us to reflect and to question our understanding and vision of reality. Our world is made up of a rich cultural diversity and art education must have as its objective to transmit this knowledge of cultures and to make us aware of its importance, to respect it and to preserve it through generations.
Art has an important role to play in education. It allows us to discover and understand the world in a way that is quite different from that proposed by science and other theoretical subjects. Because art is a field where there are no right or wrong answers, it offers children the possibility to make their own discoveries and experiences.
From the earliest age, each student at Lycée Claudel builds his or her own artistic and cultural education pathway. This pathway combines all the knowledge acquired, the practices experienced and the encounters made in the fields of arts and culture. The Lycée Claudel provides its students with multiple opportunities to live rich, intense and diversified cultural experiences:
- lessons (musical education, visual arts, literature, audiovisual cinema, interdisciplinary practical lessons, etc.)
- educational outings (visits to exhibitions, museums, heritage education, conferences, shows, etc.)
- participation in competitions (Enriched Book Award, Albertine Award, poetry and reading competitions, etc.)
- organized meetings or clubs…
Objectives :
The opening to arts and culture meets three main objectives:
- To allow each student to build a rich personal culture;
- To allow each student to develop and strengthen their artistic practice;
- To allow our students to meet artists, works of art and to visit cultural sites.
Why is this essential?
The benefits of opening up to the arts and culture from an early age are multiple:
- Contributes to the development of autonomous individuals, capable of personal choice ;
- Facilitates academic success by allowing the development of a sensitive and creative intelligence;
- Promotes the development of critical thinking and curiosity;
- Contributes to the development of students through the acquisition of knowledge, artistic practice and encounters.
Throughout their schooling, from Kindergarten to College, students develop their potential for invention and creation through the teaching of visual arts.
In Primary school, this teaching is provided by a multi-skilled teacher, in variable time frames but regularly distributed throughout the year. From Middle School onwards, the practice of visual arts is more sustained, the skills to be acquired more complex. One hour per week, the courses are given by a teacher specially dedicated to his discipline.
Music is a non-verbal language that allows one to express one’s own sensibility with an infinite number of nuances. Whether in a group or individually, making music engages something intimate, singular, which expresses what words would struggle to say.
Music education provides students with the cultural and technical knowledge necessary to develop their listening and expressive skills.
Musical practice at Lycée Claudel begins in kindergarten, continues in elementary school and then in middle school.
The music teacher teaches his or her students the history of music and communicates to them the pleasure of making music and listening to it.
The orchestra of the French high schools of the world
Lycée Claudel Chorale
Extracurricular musical activities
This course is at the heart of the cultural and humanistic project of the Lycée Claudel. It is one of the links in the student’s cultural journey.
This course is a lively workshop where each student can develop his or her cinematographic knowledge and train his or her eye. It also aims to stimulate the pleasure of discovering quality works and to open them up to the riches of the world’s cinematographic heritage.
The Audiovisual Cinema section also contributes dynamically to the life of the school through its Ciné-Clap festival, the discovery of the Toronto Film Festival (TIFF), the screenplay contest and its involvement in various activities.
Literature is an integral part of the artistic and cultural education of students and is included in all school curricula, from elementary school to high school. It promotes the complete development of the child, his intelligence, his capacity for abstraction, but also his sensitivity.
The discovery and practice of literature, writing, poetry and comics are all opportunities to share the taste for reading and to approach in a concrete way works of heritage and contemporary writing.